Marine Environment Protection
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships 1973/78 (MARPOL 73/78)
Entry into force:MARPOL 73/78 2 October 1983 (Korea signed on 23 October 1984)
The protection of marine environment is the responsibility of everyone. We must be conscious of the pollution threats to our waterways and oceans, and the serious effects that may result.
Korea depends almost exclusively on shipping to move its exports and imports.
Prevention of marine pollution has a high priority in our concerns.
Every ship in port is requested not to dump garbage, any oily mixture and sludge into the sea.
Marine pollution reporting
- If you witness a vessel polluting, you may report the incident to "Pyeongtaek VTS" on VHF channel 10 or to the Coast Guard via each local agent. Please provide relevant details of the incident such as when and where the incident occurred, the name of the vessel, type and extent of pollution and any other information which you may think pertinent.
- While ships are permitted to dispose some types of waste at sea, there are strict requirements relating to the type of waste and the distance from land where the disposal may take place. All pollution sightings should still be reported and Authorities will determine whether the discharge/disposal is illegal.
The following pollution activity should be reported:
- Any quantity of oil. If oil can be seen then it is likely to be an illegal discharge. Oil includes waste oil, fuel oil, sludge, lube oil and additives etc
- Any discharge from a ship involving washings of chemical or dry cargoes
- Any plastic material
- Garbage disposed of in the sea within 12nm of land (garbage includes food, paper, bottles etc)
Taking bunker shall be made with special care.
All polluting substances including garbage, food waste, sewage, oily mixture and sludge shall be kept on board while in port, or, if necessary, shall be discharged ashore in legal manner. - Oil residue on decks may cause oil surface on the sea when it's rainy. Removing all oil residue on decks before entering is recommended.
Newly Implemented Regulation(Annex ?…? of MARPOL)
Entry into force- Annex VI (Air Pollution) 19 May 2005 (International) 20 July 2006 (Korea)
- 1. All ships of 400GRT or engaged in international voyages.
- 2. All diesel engines over 130Kw(other than those used solely for emergency purposes)installed on ships constructed on or after 1 January 2000
- 3. Only those incinerators installed on or after 1 January 2000
- 4. Tanker vapour emission control system
- 1. International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate(IAPP Certificate), including its Supplement
- 2. Engine International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate(EIAPP Certificate)(NOx Technical Code), including its Supplement, for each applicable diesel engine
- 3. Technical File(NOx Technical Code) for each applicable diesel engine
- 4. Record book of diesel engine parameters for each diesel engine (NOx Technical Code) demonstrating compliance with regulation ?…?/13 by means of the diesel engine parameter check method
- 5. Approved documentation relation to exhaust gas cleaning systems, or equivalent means, to reduce SOx emissions
- 6. Bunker delivery notes and associated samples
- 7. Copy of the type approval certificate of any shipboard incinerator installed on or after 1 January 2000 (for the incinerators with capacities up to 1,500kW)
- 8. Any notification to the ship's flag Administration issued by the master or officer in charge of the bunker operation together with any available commercial documentation relevant to non-compliant bunker delivery.
- 1. Absence of valid IAPP Certificates, EIAPP Certificates or Technical Files
- 2. A diesel engine, with a power output of more than 130kW, which is installed on board a ship constructed on or after 1 January 2000, or a diesel engine having undergone a major conversion on or after 1 January 2000, which does not comply with the NOx Technical Code
- 3. The sulphur content of any fuel oil being used on board exceeds 4.5% m/m
- 4. Non-compliance with the relevant requirements while operating within an SOx emission control area
- 5. An incinerator installed on board the ship on or after 1 January 2000 does not comply with requirements
- 6. The master or crew is not familiar with essential procedures regarding the operation of air pollution prevention equipment